El Consell Rector of Sant Isidre de les Borges Blanques i Secció de Crèdit, S.C.C.L., is pleased to invite you and your family to all the events scheduled on the occasion of our Patronal Celebration of Saint Isidre, which will be held on May 19, 2024.
Event program
Saturday, May 18th at 8:00 PM at the Parish Church
Mass in honor of Saint Isidre, Patron of the Cooperative
Sunday, May 19th from 9:30 AM to approximately 11:00 AM:
Opening of doors, welcome, and fraternity breakfast at the Cooperative’s facilities – Av. Jaume Segarra s/n. Followed by a speech by the President.
Approximately 11:30 AM:
Special mention to the new octogenarian members and delivery of gifts to the rest of the pensioners of the Credit Section. Afterwards, we will distribute books to children who have made the 12 mandatory deposits within the natural year. We will award the extraordinary prize to the child who has made the highest number of deposits, and finally, a raffle for the attending depositing children (up to 14 years old).
No prize will be awarded if the child is not present, even if there is a family member.
To conclude, various raffles among the attendees.
Estimated end of the celebration around 1:30 PM.
This year we will receive a visit from the prestigious chefs GERMANS TORRES, awarded with three Michelin Stars, ambassadors of Terrall oil.
Important information.
Tickets can be obtained from the Cooperative’s offices, the Credit Section, and the Terrall Space until May 16th.
Each ticket costs €5 and entitles you to breakfast and the end-of-celebration raffles. Therefore, it must be kept until the end of the celebration. Breakfast for octogenarian members and children is free. However, the “green” invitation must be returned before May 16th (Invitations will be received soon). We encourage you to share your photos of the celebration with the hashtag #festasantisidre2024